Agent - Laura Winningham
Having 10 years’ experience in the insurance industry has given me the ability to handle your questions with ease. My primary focus has been working with School Teachers and Government Employees (State, City and County).
I have a knack for making what appears to be very complicated in choosing the right Medicare supplement plan into a very simple easy-to-understand process. My passion is to partner up with my clients and form a life-long relationship of being your go-to person for any questions or concerns you may have about your healthcare insurance needs.
Office Address
Indianapolis, IN
Email Address
Office Number
(317) 529-0027
LifeMap Inc. Copyright 2022 -- All Rights Reserved
Currently we represent 6 organizations which offer 51 products in your area. You can always contact 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices
Phone: (317) 427-6060 Email: